Company name requirements in WABA

WhatsApp Display Name or simply Display Name is the name of your company that customers see in their messenger, often (but not always) the same as the legal name of the organization.

Facebook has certain requirements for display names. For example, the name must not be misleading to users. You can't use abstract names, the user must understand who they are communicating with. You can use the name of the company listed on your site or in any other sources. Especially relevant question of choosing a name arises in the case if you are an individual entrepreneur.

There are also restrictions on the writing of the name. Thus, it can not be written only in capital letters. It is not allowed to supplement the name of the company with emoticons or generally unnecessary symbols, unless, of course, they are not initially present there.

In the future, if necessary, you can change the name in the settings of your personal 1msg account (the name can be changed not more than once a month).

Regular business accounts and officially verified accounts are displayed differently.

If the number has not yet been verified by Facebook, the user who has not added it to the directory will see the number itself and the displayed name written in a small font in the lower right corner.

If the number has already passed all checks, users will only be shown the displayed name written in a normal-sized font. The well-known green check mark will also appear, which is a confirmation of the authenticity of the account.

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