Requirements for stable operation of WhatsApp in Message Help and recommendations for smartphone settings

In order for WhatsApp to work properly in Message Help, without disconnections and crashes, you need to follow the rules below:

1. The bot phone is connected to Wi-Fi.
2. You are not using WhatsApp Web (
3. Power saving mode is disabled on the bot phone, the smartphone's charge is always above 15% (or the smartphone is permanently connected to the power supply).
4. VPN is NOT used on the phone.


Additional settings that may be required if the "Phone is not connected" error occurs frequently:

Reasons why the phone may go “offline”
1. Your phone's battery is low;
2. The phone has lost its connection to the Internet: both cellular and Wi-Fi are taken into account;
3. The WhatsApp application on your phone is in sleep mode.

The first two points are easy to solve: connect your phone to power and reliable Wi-Fi.
The third point depends on your phone model and its operating system.

Your phone and all applications can go to sleep 30 seconds after you pick it up. It can sometimes take up to 10 minutes to reconnect to the service (that's how WhatsApp Web works), but don't let that happen!

Set up your phone so that WhatsApp doesn't go to sleep. Below are some customization options. If your phone does not have these exact menu options, search by analogy

Old Android: Settings → Display → Hibernate → Do not enable.

Modern Android:
- Settings → Battery and Performance → Power → Power → Power Saving → Power Saving → Disable "Limit background activity";
- Settings → All Applications → WhatsApp (WhatsApp Business) → Activity Control → Select "No limit";
- Settings → All Applications → WhatsApp (WhatsApp Business) → Other Permissions → Check the "Run in background" feature.

iOS: By default, all installed apps can update content in the background and do not have the "sleep" property. You can review and disable some applications in Settings.
Settings → Basic → Content update → WhatsApp (WhatsApp Business) → tap the slider to turn it green.

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