How to avoid WhatsApp number getting banned

To prevent your WhatsApp number from being banned, follow these tips:

1. Age of the number:

The longer the number has been registered with WhatsApp, the better. If the number is new, start using it not earlier than a day after registration. Be careful in the first two weeks and gradually increase the activity.

2. The ratio of messages sent to messages received:

It is better when customers start the conversation themselves and add your number to their contacts. If you have to start a dialog yourself, make sure that for every 100 messages sent there are at least 30 responses from customers, i.e. the response rate should be at least 30%.

3. Prompt to unsubscribe:

Suggest that customers write the "@" symbol if they want to unsubscribe from your newsletter. This will prevent discontent and complaints, and also help you filter out those who don't want to receive messages.

4. Personal Appeal:

When writing to customers, use their names. This will improve conversion rates and increase the likelihood of getting a response, as well as reduce the risk of your number being blocked.

5. Short messages:

Write short messages as if you were communicating in real life, rather than doing a bulk mailing. This makes communication more natural and reduces the likelihood of your number being blocked.

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