Sales funnels

The sales funnels module is designed to track the stages of a deal with a customer and provide you with a more structured reporting. Funnels and stages can be named manually, or standard stages can be used (in case of parallel integration with Altegio, for example, clients with different statuses: "Pending", "Confirmed", "Arrived"). Funnels also allow you to configure sending various auto-messages or setting auto-tasks for messenger (chat) employees of your project.

Sales funnels can be accessed in the "Messenger" section:


The structure is as follows: Funnels include various stages of deals, and the stages include the customer deals themselves.

You can select a funnel to work with by clicking on the name of a standard funnel, and a selection list will open:


In the context of the sales funnel, deals refer to dialogs with your customers in Messenger. You can add deals to stages manually (the "Create Deal" button), but they will also be loaded automatically according to the status of customers in your Altegio customer base (for example, "Pending" will show dialogs with those customers whose visit has not yet started):


You can also create an additional funnel by clicking on the "Add Funnel" button; the "Edit" button allows you to edit the settings of the currently selected funnel (given the previous screenshot from the article, this would open the edit page for the "Altegio Records" funnel):


When you open the funnel editing page, you will be able to see the various settings that are responsible for: funnel design (color settings), enable/disable auto-tasks and auto-messages, add triggers for funnel stages. 

Clicking the "Add Trigger" button will allow you to add an auto-message, auto-task or customize the assignment of a deal source:


Let's take a closer look at the triggers themselves:

1. Auto Task - allows you to configure automatic task creation when a transaction is moved to the stage of the transaction in which this trigger is configured. 


2. Auto-Message - automatically sends your prepared message to the client when his deal is transferred to the stage with this trigger. 


3. Deal Source - a trigger for advanced users with skills in writing json queries, which allows you to customize in detail the functionality of assigning tags if their deal gets to the stage of the funnel with this trigger.


The funnel module has its own general settings, which you can access from the Settings section within the Messenger:


For example, you can add additional information fields to a deal in the form of text or date:


Let's add a "Notes" field as an example:


After that, the created field will appear in the "Additional Information" subsection (you can also add the field using the "Create New Field" button located at the bottom of the deal):


The functionality of creating additional tags for client transactions is also available in the Settings:


For example, let's create the tag "Loyal":


Once the tag is created, its selection will be available on the page of the deal:

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