Message history

Our service allows you to view the history of messages from various sources. To do this, go to the corresponding section of your personal cabinet.


The name of the source of the messages is the same as the name of the channel, which you specified in the "Channels" section when you created it. For example, the screenshot shows the message history of the "New channel Viberphone (viberphone)" channel. 

The "Lost messages" contain the messages that could not be sent through any of the connected channels. Usually it happens because of wrong recipient number.

In the search bar you can enter the phone number or the name of the client of the messenger. You can also sort messages by date, attachments and status.


Messages have different statuses:

"Sent" - the message has been delivered to the recipient.

"Sending" - the message has not yet been delivered, possibly due to authorization issues with the sending channel.

"Delivered" - the message has been successfully delivered, but only through the WhatsApp channel.

"Read" - the recipient has read the message, also only through WhatsApp.

"Error" - the message was not sent due to an error. This can be due to an incorrect phone number of the recipient or an inactive status of the project on the website (you need to pay to reactivate the project).

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